BS 8298-4-2010 天然石材覆面和衬砌的设计与安装实施规程.金属框架覆面系统上的石材和防雨屏

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS 8298-4-2010
英文标准名称:Code of practice for the design and installation of natural stone cladding and lining. Rainscreen and stone on metal frame cladding systems
发布日期:2010/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 648;BS 6093;BS 7671-2008;BS 8298-1-2010;BS EN 1469;BS EN 1991-1-1;BS EN 1991-1-3;BS EN 1991-1-4;BS EN 12153;BS EN 12155;BS EN 12600;BS EN 13161;BS EN 14019;BS EN ISO 6946;BS EN ISO 10211;BS EN ISO 13788;BS EN ISO 13789
适用范围:This part of BS 8298 gives recommendations for the design and fixing of slabs of natural stone onto an intermediate metal framing system (which in turn is fixed to the building structure) as part of a ventilated rainscreen cladding system.Recommendations are also given on the fixing of stone to metal framing systems as part of a non‑ventilated rainscreen cladding system.It covers:a) the provisions necessary for the cladding to perform its function satisfactorily;b) the materials and methods most frequently used for stonework;c) the use of thermal insulation behind external cladding.It does not cover aggregate/agglomerated stone, roofing slate or terracotta panels used as external cladding.This part of BS 8298 considers the use of stone cladding in all orientations, including vertical and sloping elements of the façade as well as soffit and coping panels. All methods of fixing are considered.Recommendations for soft body impact testing are included, but not hard body.This part of BS 8298 is to be read in conjunction with BS 8298‑1.Different cladding and lining methods are covered in the other parts of BS 8298 (see Foreword).






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