BS DD CEN/TS 14821-6-2003 交通和旅游信息(TTI).通过蜂窝网络的TTI文电.外部服务
百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS DD CEN/TS 14821-6-2003
英文标准名称:Traffic and Travel Information (TTI). TTI messages via cellular networks. External services
发布日期:2003/7/8 12:00:00
实施日期:2003/7/8 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO/IEC 9797;ISO/IEC 10116;ISO/IEC 10118-2;SO 11568-3;CCITT Recommendation E.212;EN ISO 14819
适用范围:This CEN/TS defines the specific interfaces and functionality of traffic telematics (TT) services based on theuse of cellular networks. Device manufacturers are enabled to develop terminal equipment compatible toservices based on this CEN/TS. This will allow for interoperability of different terminal equipment and serviceproviders which allows competition between service providers and terminal manufacturers. Furthermore itsets the scene for international availability of these services.This CEN/TS specifies· TT-specific interfaces between terminal and service centre. This especially incorporates the messagesets of the application data protocols and the service-independent communication handling (includingconditional access and transport protocols).· Functionality, procedures and requirements of basic terminal components as well as their interaction withthe service centre. This especially comprises conditional access and security mechanisms.· Service Specifications, which are essential to ensure consistent behaviour of terminal and service centre.The services incorporated within this issue comprise:· breakdown and emergency services· interactive traffic information services· broadcast traffic information services· navigation services (route assistance, route advice, homing)· operator services· general information services· floating car data collectionIt is envisaged that future research and development will lead to improvements on the services listed aboveas well as to the creation of new services. Nevertheless this CEN/TS provides the framework for seamlessintegration of new features and services into the existing architecture.
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