SIS SS-ENV 327 E-1991 热交换器.确立强制式空气冷却制冷剂冷凝器性能的测试程序
百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:SIS SS-ENV 327 E-1991
英文标准名称:Heat exchangers — Test procedures for establishing performance of forced convection air cooled refrigerant condensers
发布日期:1991/3/13 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This standard appliea to remote forced convection air cooled refrigerant condensers which operate with a (priraary) refrigerant and its purpose is to establish uniform metnods of testing.1.2 Exclusion - This standard does not apply to air cooled condensers designed primarily for installation within the machinery compartment of packaged products or in factory-assembled condensing units.1.3 To test and ascertain the following: Product identificationCapacity Air Flow Energy requirements1.4 This standard does not cover technical safety aspects.1.5 This standard should be read and usedin conjunction with the related CEN/TC 110 Standards.SNV 247 : Heat exchangers - TerminologyEMV 305 : Heat exchangers - Definitions of performance of heat exchangers and the general test procedure for establishing perfornance of all heat exchangersiNV 306 : Heat exchangers - /!ethods of neasuring the parameters necessary for establishing the performanceE!TV 307 : Heat exchangers - Guidelines to prepare installation, operating and xaintenance instructions required to maintain the perforr.ance of each type of heat exchanger
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