异动别 | 货品号列 | 货名Des cription of Goods | 原列 输入规定 | 原列 输出规定 | 改列 输入规定 | 改列 输出规定 |
增列 | 1211.90.91.63-8 | 韭菜子、莱服子(萝卜子、菟丝子、地肤子、牛蒡子、决明子、车前子、冬瓜子 Chinese chive, Chinese leek, Tuber o nion (Allium tuberosum Rottl. ex Spreng.) seeds, Chinese radish (Raphanus sativus Linn.) seeds, Cuscuta, Chinese dodder (Cuscuta chinensis Lam.) seeds, Belvedere (Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad.) seeds, Great burdock, burdock (Arctium lappa Linn.) seeds, Cassia (Cassia tora Linn.) seeds, Plantain (Plantago asiatica Linn.) seeds, Wax ground, Winter melon (Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.) seeds | 528 B01 | |||
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输入规定代号 | | |||||
(空白 | 准许(免除签发许可证。 | |||||
im port permitted (free from licensing) | ||||||
528 | 进口中药材,应依502规定办理进 口食品及相关产品,应依F01规定办理(三进口非属上述项目者,应注明实际用途,免依上述规定办理。 | |||||
(1) im portation of Chinese medicine materials shall comply with the regulation of "502". (2) im portation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01". (3) importation of commodity not belong to the aforesaid items shall be exempted the Practical use is required. | ||||||
502 | 进口干品:应检附中药商执照复印件或卫生福利部核发之药品制造许可证复印件。进口粉末货品,应另检附卫生福利部核发之药品许可证复印件,或卫生福利部核发之同意文件。(三货品名称应载明中文本草名及中药材或中药粉。进口非干品,不受前述之限制。 | |||||
For im porting dry goods: (1) A photocopy of business license for dealing with Chinese medicine (or pharmaceutical manufacturing license issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare) is required. (2) im porting powder goods should be attached a photocopy of the drug license issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, or an approval docu ment issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. (3) Commodity des cription shall indicate the specific name in Chinese and Chinese medicine materials or Chinese medicine powder. The above regulations do not apply to im porting non-dry goods. | ||||||
F01 | 输入商品应依照「食品及相关产品输入查验办法」规定,向卫生福利部食品药物管理署申请办理输入查验。【注:相关规定应洽卫生福利部食品药物管理署】。 | |||||
im portation of foods shall follow the "Regulations for Inspection of imported Foods and Related Products". The importer shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare (FDA). (Note: Please contact FDA for relevant inspection requirements of food imports.) | ||||||
B01 | 进口时,应依行政院农业委员会动植物防疫检疫局编订之「应施检疫动植物品目表」及有关检疫规定办理。 | |||||
im portation shall be subject to the pres cription set forth in the Table of Commodities Subject to Legal Animal & Plant Quarantine compiled by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and QuarantineCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. | ||||||
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输出规定代号 | | |||||
(空白 | 准许(免除签发许可证。 | |||||
Export permitted (free from licensing) |