EN13138-1 浮力辅助游泳设备的说明 - 第1部分:可穿戴的浮力辅助设备的安全要求与试验方法
EN 13138-1 Test item 测试名称:uoyant Aids for Swimming Instruction— Part 1: Safety Requirements and Test Methods for Buoyant Aids to Be Worn
浮力辅助游泳设备的说明 - 第1部分:可穿戴的浮力辅助设备的安全要求与试验方法
EN13138-1 Test info 测试内容:
Clause Test Requirement 5 Safety Requirement 5.1 General 5.2.1 Buoyancy Characteristics of the Complete Device 5.2.2 Residual Buoyancy 5.3.1 Adjustability - Class B devices 5.3.2 Security of Buckles and Other Fixings 5.3.3 Retention of Function 5.4.1 Edges, Corners and Points 5.4.2 Small Parts 5.4.3 Migration of Certain Element 5.5.1 Integrity of the Entire Assembly of Worn Devices 5.5.2 Thread 5.5.3 Valves and Stoppers 5.6.1 Seam Strength and Durability of Inflatable Devices 5.6.2 Resistance to Puncturing 5.6.3 Resistance of foam to water absorption 5.6.4 Resistance of foam to compression 5.7.2 Resistance to chlorinated salt water 5.7.3 Resistance of markings to saliva 5.7.4 Resistance of markings to perspiration 5.7.5 Adhesion of Markings 7.1&7.2 Warnings & Markings on the product 7.3 Information supplied by the manufacturer 7.4 Information at point of sale Additional EC type approval information Sample required: 10 sets of completed products with assembly instruction(if applicable) is recommended. 样品要求: 全套样品10套并包括安装说明书(如适用). Turnaround time: normal (17-20 working days) 所需时间: 标准(17-20 个工作天)
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