IEC 60794-3-50-2008 光纤光缆.第3-50部分:室外光纤光缆.充气和/或拉/拽式燃气管安装用燃气管道光缆和分管用系列规范

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:IEC 60794-3-50-2008
英文标准名称:Optical fibre cables - Part 3-50: Outdoor cables - Family specification for gas pipe cables and subducts for installation by blowing and/or pulling/dragging in gas pipes
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60304;IEC 60793-1-20;IEC 60793-1-40;IEC 60793-1-44;IEC 60793-2;IEC 60793-2-50;IEC 60794-1-1;IEC 60794-1-2;IEC 60794-3;IEC 60794-3-10;IEC 60811-1-1-1993;IEC 60811-5-1-1990
适用范围:This part of IEC 60794 is a family specification that covers gas pipe cables and subducts forinstallation by blowing and/or pulling/dragging in high pressure gas pipes (400 mbar to 4 bar).Systems built with components covered by this standard are subject to the requirements ofsectional specification IEC 60794-3.Gas pipe cable and subduct constructions have to meet the different requirements of the gas-companies and/or associations regarding chemical, environmental, operational interactionsand in general maintenance conditions.I/O-ports for the inlet and outlet of the gas pipe cables and/or subducts are housing thesealing system assuring the absolute gas tightness preventing any gas leakage due to theinstallation of the gas pipe cables into the gas pipes.A table of preferential applications, describing gas pipe cable characteristics versus methodsof installation is reported in Annex A for high pressure gas pipe cables.Clause 4 describes a blank detail specification for gas pipe cables and subducts forinstallation by blowing and/or pulling/dragging in high pressure gas pipes. It incorporatessome minimum requirements.Detail specifications may be prepared on the basis of this family specification.The parameters specified in this standard may be affected by measurement uncertaintyarising either from measurement errors or calibration errors due to lack of suitable standards.Acceptance criteria should be interpreted with respect to this consideration.The number of fibres tested is representative of the gas pipe cable and should be agreedbetween the customer and the supplier.






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