BS 8454-2006 高处作业和营救培训和教育交付的实施规程

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:BS 8454-2006
英文标准名称:Code of practice for the delivery of training and education for work at height and rescue
发布日期:2006/5/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/5/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance on thedelivery of training and education for work at height, including rescue.The standard is applicable to training for work which falls within thescope of the Work at Height Regulations 2005. The standard isapplicable to training for work at height in an industrial context,including work at height in factories and in the construction, civilengineering and cleaning sectors.NOTE The Work at Height Regulations 2005 specifically exclude “theprovision of instruction or leadership to one or more persons in connectionwith their engagement in caving or climbing by way of sport, recreation,team building or similar activities”.The standard is not applicable to the provision of training for low levelwork at height, such as the use of small stepladders or “hop-ups” inretail environments or libraries. It is also not applicable to trainingwhich consists of just the provision of simple instruction or productfamiliarization or site induction.It is applicable to all training and education for work at height, includingtraining involving practical experience of a work method or experienceof exposure to height. This also includes “train-the-trainer” typesituations in which an employer engages a training provider, or employsa trainer, to deliver training for a single specific task, or on a specificproduct, to some of their employees who then in turn provide trainingto other employees.The standard is intended for use by all organizations and individualsproviding such training and/or education, including organizations whichprovide such training to their own employees.The standard is applicable to all locations where such training isprovided, whether at a dedicated training facility or at other trainingsites.The standard is intended to apply to course-based training andeducation. It is not intended to apply to the provision by an employer ofongoing experience-based training and education in the workplace,where the subject matter of the training being provided is the job itself,for example as provided by an apprenticeship.This standard does not give a detailed specification of course content.






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