BS EN 12495-2000 海上固定钢结构的阴极保护

百检网 2021-07-16
标准号:BS EN 12495-2000
英文标准名称:Cathodic protection for fixed steel offshore structures
发布日期:2000/5/15 12:00:00
实施日期:2000/5/15 12:00:00
适用范围:This European Standard defines the means to be used to cathodically protect the submerged areas of fixed steel offshore structures and appurtenances. 1 Structural parts This European Standard defines the requirements for the cathodic protection of fixed structures, including sub sea production and related protective structures whether connected or not to each other by pipelines and/or walkways. It also covers the submerged areas of appurtenances attached to the structure, when these are electrically connected to the structure. It does not cover the cathodic protection of floating structures such as ships, semi-submersible units, or elongated structures such as pipelines or cables. This European Standard concerns only the cathodic protection of external surfaces, in contact with the sea water or with the sea bed. It covers the immersed or buried external surfaces of the jacket, conductor pipes, well casings, piles, J-tubes, production or utility risers, etc. It does not cover the corrosion protection of the sections of the structure above the sea level, i.e. the splash zone and atmospheric zone. This standard does not include the internal protection of any components such as jacket members, legs, conductor pipes; the protection of these is often performed using chemicals. 2 Materials This European Standard covers the cathodic protection of bare or coated steels with a specified minimum yield strength (S.M.Y.S.) not exceeding 500 N/mm






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