ONORM ENV 41207-1991 信息系统互联.文件传输访问和管理(FTAM)位置文件访问

百检网 2021-07-16
标准号:ONORM ENV 41207-1991
英文标准名称:Information systems interconnection - File transfer access and management (FTAM) - Positional file access
发布日期:1991/8/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Functional Standard covers access operations on files between the filestores of two end systems, using the OSI connection-mode Transport Service to provide the interconnection. One end system acts in the Initiator role and initiates the file access, the other end system acts in the Responder role and provides access to the file in the Virtual Filestore.These role combinations and interoperability are shown in the table below.Access to files is supported for files with a flat (two level hierarchy) constraint set. Files with an unstructured constraint set may also be accessed.This Functional Standard specifies implementations that support file transfer and file access, i.e. the ability to:1. read a FADU which is identified by node name, node number or by position (depending on constraint set and document type);2. write (replace, extend or insert, depending on constraint set and document type) to a FADU;3. locate and erase within a file;4. optionally: create and delete a file;5.optionally: read the attributes of a file.Grouping of actions is not mandatory; therefore, the above file actions can be performed separately and also, multiple file actions can be performed within a given regime.This Functional Standard specifies how the OSI Session Layer, Presentation Layer and Application Layer standards shall be used to provide the functions defined above. It does not specify total system capability. In particular, a system may operate this profile and at the same time engage in other communications. The requirements placed on a system in this Functional Standard are solely those necessary for operation of the protocol set specified.The basis of this Functional Standard is the base documents as listed in clause 3. Note that all references are made to a specific version of each base document, and to that version only. (Any subsequent versions may contain changes that make parts of this Functional Standard invalid.)






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