IS 5114-1969

百检网 2021-07-17
标准号:IS 5114-1969
发布日期:1969/8/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This standard applies to the design, construction and manner of erection of reflectorized accident-prevention and guide signs for use in and about mines. It defines as far as practicable, the types of signs to be used to indicate particular hazards which may cause accidents where such hazards cannot physically be removed; directions to be followed, the location of exits and safety and fire protection equipment, and information relative to safe practices.1.2 The code does not apply to information signs of a general nature, such as plant bulletin boards, safety posters, and the like. It is recommended, however, that such signs should not display a predominance of any of the accepted safety colours, namely, red, yellow and green.1.3 The code makes no recommendation as to when reflectorized signs should be used in preference to non-reflecting signs.1.4 Application — The code shall not be applied in a manner conflicting with the generally accepted standards or regulations relating to the use of colour for making of physical hazards and certain industrial plant and equipment.






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