ISO 3864-1-2011 图形符号.安全颜色与安全标志.第1部分:安全标志与安全标记设计原理
百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:ISO 3864-1-2011
英文标准名称:Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 1: Design principles for safety signs and safety markings
发布日期:2011/4/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 3864-3;ISO 3864-4;ISO 17724-2003
适用范围:IMPORTANT — The colours represented in the electronic file of this part of ISO 3864 can be neitherviewed on screen nor printed as true representations. Although the copies of this part of ISO 3864printed by ISO have been produced to correspond (with an acceptable tolerance as judged by thenaked eye) to the colour requirements, it is not intended that these printed copies be used for colourmatching. Instead, consult ISO 3864-4 which provides colorimetric and photometric propertiestogether with, as a guideline, references from colour order systems.This part of ISO 3864 establishes the safety identification colours and design principles for safety signs andsafety markings to be used in workplaces and in public areas for the purpose of accident prevention, fireprotection, health hazard information and emergency evacuation. It also establishes the basic principles to beapplied when developing standards containing safety signs.This part of ISO 3864 is applicable to all locations where safety issues related to people need to be addressed.However, it is not applicable to the signalling used for guiding rail, road, river, maritime and air traffic and,generally speaking, to those sectors subject to a regulation which may differ.NOTE Some countries' statutory regulations might differ in some respect from those given in this part of ISO 3864.
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