ISO/IEC 24824-2-2006 信息技术.ASN.1普通应用:快速网络服务

百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:ISO/IEC 24824-2-2006
英文标准名称:Information technology - Generic applications of ASN.1: Fast Web Services
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the messages and encodings that enable the use of Fast WebServices, together with the means of description of such services.The protocol used to support these services satisfies the requirements of the SOAP processing model (see W3C SOAPPart 1, clause 2) and is based on the transfer of:a) ASN.1 SOAP messages that contain embedded ASN.1 encoded values and embedded fast infosetdocuments; andb) fast infoset SOAP messages.This Recommendation | International Standard also specifies:– an ASN.1 module for ASN.1 SOAP that defines the Envelope type (a value of this type corresponds toan ASN.1 SOAP message);– a conceptual mapping between ASN.1 SOAP messages and W3C SOAP messages (defined as aninstance of the XML Infoset, see W3C SOAP Part 1, clause 5);– an extension to the W3C SOAP processing model for the processing of embedded ASN.1 encodedvalues;– the ASN.1 SOAP HTTP Binding, which is a modification and extension of the W3C SOAP HTTPBinding (see W3C SOAP Part 2, clause 7), for the transfer of ASN.1 SOAP messages;– support for the transfer of W3C SOAP message infosets serialized as fast infoset documents (fast infosetSOAP messages) using the W3C SOAP HTTP Binding (see W3C SOAP Part 2, clause 7);– SOAP-oriented service descriptions that define the interface to and the semantics of Fast Web Services.Two Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) media type names are allocated to identify:– ASN.1 SOAP messages encoded using Basic Aligned PER;– fast infoset SOAP messages.






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