IEC 60904-7-2008 光电器件.第7部分:光电器件的测量用光谱错配修正的计算

百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:IEC 60904-7-2008
英文标准名称:Photovoltaic devices - Part 7: Computation of the spectral mismatch correction for measurements of photovoltaic devices
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60891;IEC 60904-1;IEC 60904-2;IEC 60904-3;IEC 60904-8;IEC 60904-9;IEC 60904-10;IEC 61215;IEC 61646
适用范围:This part of IEC 60904 describes the procedure for correcting the bias error introduced in thetesting of a photovoltaic device, caused by the mismatch between the test spectrum and thereference spectrum and by the mismatch between the spectral responses (SR) of thereference cell and of the test specimen. The procedure applies only to photovoltaic deviceslinear in SR as defined in IEC 60904-10. This procedure is valid for single junction devicesbut the principle may be extended to cover multijunction devices.The purpose of this standard is to give guidelines for the correction of measurement bias,should there be a mismatch between both the test spectrum and the reference spectrum andbetween the reference device SR and the test specimen SR.Since a PV device has a wavelength-dependent response, its performance is significantlyaffected by the spectral distribution of the incident radiation, which in natural sunlight varieswith several factors such as location, weather, time of year, time of day, orientation of thereceiving surface, etc., and with a simulator varies with its type and conditions. If theirradiance is measured with a thermopile-type radiometer (that is not spectrally selective) orwith a reference solar cell, the spectral irradiance distribution of the incoming light must beknown to make the necessary corrections to obtain the performance of the PV device underthe reference solar spectral distribution defined in IEC 60904-3.If a reference PV device or a thermopile type detector is used to measure the irradiance then,following the procedure given in this standard, it is possible to calculate the spectral mismatchcorrection necessary to obtain the short-circuit current of the test PV device under thereference solar spectral irradiance distribution included in Table 1 of IEC 60904-3 or anyother reference spectrum. If the reference PV device has the same relative spectral responseas the test PV device then the reference device automatically takes into account deviations ofthe real light spectral distribution from the standard spectral distribution, and no furthercorrection of spectral bias errors is necessary. In this case, location and weather conditionsare not critical when the reference device method is used for outdoor performancemeasurements provided both reference cell and test PV device have the same relativespectral response. Also, for identical relative SR's, the spectral classification of the simulatoris not critical for indoor measurements.If the performance of a PV device is measured using a known spectral irradiance distribution,its short-circuit current at any other spectral irradiance distribution can be computed using thespectral response of the PV test device.






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