DIN EN 62288-2009 海上导航和无线电通信设备和系统.船用导航显示器上与导航相关信息的表达.通用要求、测试方法和要求的试验结果

百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:DIN EN 62288-2009
英文标准名称:Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays - General requirements, methods of testing and required test results (IEC 62288:2008); English version EN
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/2/1 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60945-2002;IEC 61162;IEC 61174;IEC 61966-4-2000;IEC 62065-2002;IEC 62388-2007;IHO S-52-1996;IHO S-52 Appendix 1-1996;IHO S-52 Appendix 2-2004;IMO A.694-17-1991;IMO MSC.191-79-2004;IMO MSC.192-79-2004;IMO MSC.232-82-2006;IMO SN/Circ.243-2004;ISO 13406-
适用范围:This International Standard specifies the general requirements, methods of testing, and required testresults, for the presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays insupport of IMO resolution MSC.191(79).(MSC191/1) IMO resolution MSC.191(79) harmonizes the requirements for the presentation ofnavigation-related information on the bridge of a ship to ensure that all navigational displays adopt aconsistent human machine interface philosophy and implementation.(MSC191/1) IMO resolution MSC.191(79) supplements and, in the case of a conflict, takes priorityover, the presentation requirements of the individual performance standards adopted by the IMO forrelevant navigational systems and equipment and covers the presentation of navigation-relatedinformation by equipment for which Performance Standards have not been adopted by the IMO.This standard also addresses the guidelines for the presentation of navigation-related symbols, termsand abbreviations in Safety of Navigation circular SN/Circ.243 together with some requirementspublished in resolution MSC.192(79) on radar; resolution MSC.232(82) on ECDIS; and ergonomiccriteria published in circular MSC/Circ.982.The symbols from SN/Circ.243 are reproduced and expanded upon in Annex A. The terms andabbreviations from SN/Circ.243 are reproduced and expanded upon in Annex B. Additional guidanceon display and dialogue design from MSC/Circ.982 is listed by reference in Annex C.Some requirements set forth in MSC.191(79) duplicate requirements set forth in other IMO documents(for example, Resolutions A.694(17), MSC.192(79), MSC.232(82), etc.) or in the IEC standards furtherspecifying the methods of test and required test results for those requirements (for example,IEC60945, IEC61174, IEC62388, etc.). Where a requirement in this standard duplicates arequirement in another standard, the method(s) of test for that requirement may refer to the otherstandard.NOTE Manufactures may offer relevant test data from compliance tests to other standards such as IEC 60945, IEC 61174,IEC 62388, etc. as evidence of compliance with appropriate tests of this standard.This standard is organized so that each group of requirements is immediately followed by a clauseidentifying the method(s) of test. The methods of test are derived from ISO 9241-12 on thepresentation of information on visual displays. Guidance on testing is provided in Annex D.NOTE All text in this standard whose wording is identical to text contained in an IMO document is printed in italics. Referenceto the document is noted at the beginning of the paragraph. The notation contains a prefix referring to the document and a suffixwith the paragraph number from the document (for example, (MSC191/1); (SN243/1), etc.).






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