ISO 14224-2006 石油、石化产品和天然气工业.设备可靠性和维修数据的采集与交换

百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:ISO 14224-2006
英文标准名称:Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Collection and exchange of reliability and maintenance data for equipment
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard provides a comprehensive basis for the collection of reliability and maintenance(RM) data in a standard format for equipment in all facilities and operations within the petroleum, natural gasand petrochemical industries during the operational life cycle of equipment. It describes data-collectionprinciples and associated terms and definitions that constitute a “reliability language” that can be useful forcommunicating operational experience. The failure modes defined in the normative part of this InternationalStandard can be used as a “reliability thesaurus” for various quantitative as well as qualitative applications.This International Standard also describes data quality control and assurance practices to provide guidancefor the user.Standardization of data-collection practices facilitates the exchange of information between parties, e.g. plants,owners, manufacturers and contractors. This International Standard establishes requirements that any inhouseor commercially available RM data system is required to meet when designed for RM data exchange.Examples, guidelines and principles for the exchange and merging of such RM data are addressed.Annex A contains a summary of equipment that this International Standard covers.• This International Standard recommends a minimum amount of data that is required to be collected and itfocuses on two main issues:-- data requirements for the type of data to be collected for use in various analysis methodologies;-- standardized data format to facilitate the exchange of reliability and maintenance data betweenplants, owners, manufacturers and contractors.• The following main categories of data are to be collected:-- equipment data, e.g. equipment taxonomy, equipment attributes;-- failure data, e.g. failure cause, failure consequence;-- maintenance data, e.g. maintenance action, resources used, maintenance consequence, down time.NOTE Clause 9 gives further details on data content and data format.• The main areas where such data are used are the following:-- reliability, e.g. failure events and failure mechanisms;-- availability/efficiency, e.g. equipment availability, system availability, plant production availability;-- maintenance, e.g. corrective and preventive maintenance, maintenance supportability;-- safety and environment, e.g. equipment failures with adverse consequences for safety and/orenvironment.• This International Standard does not apply to the following:-- data on (direct) cost issues;-- data from laboratory testing and manufacturing (e.g. accelerated lifetime testing);-- complete equipment data sheets (only data seen relevant for assessing the reliability performanceare included);-- additional on-service data that an operator, on an individual basis, can consider useful for operationand maintenance;-- methods for analysing and applying RM data (however, principles for how to calculate some basicreliability and maintenance parameters are included in the annexes).






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