SIS SS IEC 405-1983 核检测仪表.个人电离辐射防护结构要求

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:SIS SS IEC 405-1983
英文标准名称:Nuclear instrumentation - Constructional requirements to afford personal protection against ionizing radiation
发布日期:1983/5/20 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 The recommendations apply to electrical measuring instruments incorporating a radioactive sealed or non-dispersible unsealed source for self-calibration or for measurement, but excepting instruments used for the control of nuclear reactors or for medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.1.2 Recommendations concerning false indications (Clause 8) and ease of decontamination (Clause 9) apply specifically to health physics instruments irrespective of whether the instruments incorporate a radioactive source.1.3 The recommendations do not apply to:— instruments in which the generation of ionizing radiation by the acceleration of electrons is essential to the measurement function of the instrument, for example X-ray sets;— radioactive sources used for measurement but not incorporated in the instruments.1.4 The recommendations concern only personal protection against ionizing radiations, excepting precautions against the hazards of luminising compounds. Recommendations for protection against electric shock, the effects of excessive temperature, explosion and the spread of fire, are given in IEC Publication 348, Safety Requirements for Electronic Measuring Apparatus.1.5 Attention is directed to the existence in most countries of legal requirements and/or codes of good practice governing the possession, use, storage and transport of radioactive sources. Such requirements and/or codes may be more stringent than these recommendations.Nore. ~ The useful beam of some instruments incorporating a radioactive source is hazardous. Protection additional to this recommendation may then be necessary and will depend on the design of the installation.






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