BS EN 61558-2-1-2007 电源变压器、供电设备、反应器和类似产品的安全性.通用分离变压器和有分离变压器的供电设备的详细要求和试验

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:BS EN 61558-2-1-2007
英文标准名称:Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Particular requirements and tests for separating transformers and power supplies incorporating separating transformers for general applications
发布日期:2007/5/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2007/5/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60076-11
适用范围:Replacement:This part of IEC 61558 deals with safety aspects of separating transformers and powersupplies incorporating separating transformers such as electrical, thermal and mechanicalsafety.This Part 2-1 is applicable to separating transformers and power supplies incorporatingboth separating transformers and electronic circuits. This Part 2-1 is not applicable toexternal circuits and their components intended to be connected to the input terminals, outputterminals or socket-outlets of the transformers and power supplies.This Part 2-1 does not apply to transformers covered by IEC 60076-11.This Part 2-1 applies to stationary or portable, single-phase or polyphase, air-cooled(natural or forced) independent and associated separating transformers and powersupplies, having a rated supply voltage not exceeding 1 000 V a.c., a rated supply andinternal operating frequency not exceeding 500 Hz.The rated output does not exceed:– 1 kVA for single-phase separating transformers and single-phase power suppliesincorporating separating transformers;– 5 kVA for poly-phase separating transformers and poly-phase power suppliesincorporating separating transformers.This Part 2-1 is applicable to separating transformers and power supplies incorporatingseparating transformers without limitation of the rated output subject to an agreementbetween the purchaser and the manufacturer.This Part 2-1 is applicable to dry-type transformers. The windings may be encapsulated ornon-encapsulated.The no-load output voltage or the rated output voltage does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or1 415 V ripple-free d.c. For independent separating transformers and independent powersupplies, the no-load output voltage and / or the rated output voltage is not less than 50V a.c., or 120 V ripple-free d.c.Separating transformers covered by this Part 2-1 are used only in applications wheredouble or reinforced insulation between circuits is not required by the installation rules orby the end product standard.NOTE 1 Normally, the separating transformers and power supplies incorporating separating transformersare intended to be used with equipment to provide voltages different from the supply voltage for the functionalrequirements of the equipment. The protection against electric shock may be provided (or completed) by otherfeatures of the equipment, such as the body. Parts of output circuits may be connected to the input circuits orto protective earth.This Part 2-1 is applicable to separating transformers and power supplies incorporatingseparating transformers associated with specific equipment, to the extent decided upon bythe relevant IEC technical committees.NOTE 2 Attention is drawn to the following:– for separating transformers and power supplies incorporating separating transformers intended to be usedin vehicles, on board ships, and aircraft, additional requirements (from other applicable standards, nationalrules, etc.) may be necessary;– measures to protect the enclosure and the components inside the enclosure against external influences suchas fungus, vermin , termites, solar-radiation, and icing should also be considered;– the different conditions for transportation, storage, and operation of the separating transformers and powersupplies incorporating separating transformers should also be considered;– additional requirements in accordance with other appropriate standards and national rules may be applicable toseparating transformers and power supplies incorporating separating transformers intended for use inspecial environments, such as tropical environment.NOTE 3 Future technological development of separating transformers and power supplies incorporatingseparating transformers may necessitate a need to increase the upper limit of the frequencies, until then thisPart 2-1 may be used as a guidance document.






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