ISO/IEC 19799-2007 信息技术.已印刷页面上光泽一致性的测量方法

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:ISO/IEC 19799-2007
英文标准名称:Information technology - Method of measuring gloss uniformity on printed pages
发布日期:2007/3/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:The scope of this International Standard is to define methods and processes of measuring objective printqualityattributes for the assessment of gloss non-uniformity on printed pages in reflection mode, and toprovide transforms, when applicable, that relate the objective results to subjective responses, if appropriate.There are many existing standards (see Normative references and Bibliography for details) typically used forgloss measurement. Our intent is to leverage the existing standards and adapt those for use on glossuniformity measurements where appropriate.This International Standard is composed of a standardized test methodology, which is based on establishedgloss measurement methodologies as noted in Clause 2 and in the Bibliography. The methodologies havebeen modified so that, when applied to printed pages created by different marking technologies and imagingalgorithms on different substrates, the results indicate the level of the objective gloss uniformity of the printedpages (in reflection mode). If the objective measurement can be linked to the subjective impression of glossuniformity, then the linkage from objective measurement to subjective impression via mathematical transformsis provided. The reflection prints that are to be used as the subject of these tests can be created via printers orcopiers (analog and digital). This International Standard should be applied only to electro-photographic basesprints. When more reflection prints made by other printing technologies become available for follow-up study,one may consider including those printing technologies in this International Standard as a revision. ThisInternational Standard does not address the measurement of gloss attributes of printed pages in transmissionmode.Gloss uniformity attributes currently included in this International Standard are: differential gloss, glossuniformity within a page, and gloss consistency within a run. Due to the current level of immaturity ofcommercially available objective micro-gloss measurement instruments, gloss artefact attributes (such asgloss grain, gloss spot, gloss streak, gloss band, gloss mottle/cloud, gloss moiré) are not included in thisInternational Standard at the present time, since instrumented measurement procedure cannot berecommended at present. As instrumented measurement capability becomes available, they will beconsidered for adoption into this International Standard as a revision.






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