BS PD CEN/TR 196-4-2007 水泥的测试方法.第4部分:组分的定量测定

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:BS PD CEN/TR 196-4-2007
英文标准名称:Methods of testing cement — Part 4: Quantitative determination of constituents
发布日期:2007/11/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2007/11/30 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 196-2;EN 196-7;EN 197-1;ISO 3534
适用范围:This European Technical Report describes procedures for determining the contents of most of theconstituents of the cements that fall within the scope of EN 197-1.In principle, the method described in Clause 6 applies to all cements, whatever the number andnature of their constituents, but in practice is limited to the cements identified in Table 1.The method in clause 6 should be considered to be the method of choice and is based on asequential selective dissolution of the cement’s constituents, generally of an unknown number,where they are not available separately for analysis at the same time as the cement.The method of choice enables the quantitative determination (by mass) of: Portland cement clinker,blastfurnace slag, siliceous fly ash, natural pozzolans, limestone, silica fume and set regulators incements of the types identified in Table 1. Table 1 is derived from Table 1 of EN 197-1.The method of choice has limitations, as indicated earlier, and cannot be considered to be a meansby which clinker content can simply be determined in isolation from any other constituent. Clinkercontent is determined ‘by difference’ and other constituents contain, in part, mineral phases similar tothose present in clinker and can cause interferences that lead to difficulties in interpretation of theresults.Where apparently anomalous results are obtained, it is recommended that further investigations areundertaken in accordance with the procedure given in Section other method with the same objectives, and intended for use where the constituents areunavailable for separate analysis, can be considered to be an alternative to the method of choicewhen it is shown that, with appropriate statistical validity, it gives equivalent results.In individual cases, where the laboratory has been formally advised that: the cement contains only two constituents, the method is greatly simplified because it is sufficientto determine the set regulator content (R) in order to be able to calculate the clinker content bydifference; the cement contains only three constituents, i.e. a set regulator, clinker and one of the followingthree: slag, pozzolana or siliceous fIy ash. Some of the methods in clause 7 are variations on themethod of choice whereas others are based on physical separation of constituents and differentanalytical principles.NOTE 2 This European Technical Report adopts the following use of terms for major constituents: ‘Portland cement clinker’ as defined in EN 197-1 is referred to as ‘clinker’; ‘granulated blastfurnace slag’ as defined in EN 197-1 is referred to as ‘slag’; ‘natural pozzolans’ as defined in EN 197-1 is referred to as ‘pozzolans’; ‘siliceous fly ash’ as defined in EN 197-1 is referred to as ‘fly ash’; ‘calcium sulfate’ as defined in EN 197-1 is referred to as ‘set regulator’.






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