BS 6400-1-2006 最大额定容量<6m
百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:BS 6400-1-2006
英文标准名称:Specification for installation, exchange, relocation and removal of gas meters with a maximum capacity not exceeding 6 m
发布日期:2006/7/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/7/31 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 21;BS 476-7-1997;BS 746-2005;BS 6891-2005;BS 7671
适用范围:This standard specifies requirements for the installation, exchange,relocation and removal of credit or prepayment diaphragm andultrasonic gas meters with a maximum capacity not exceeding 6 m³/h.NOTE 1 For the purposes of this standard, installation includes design,inspection and commissioning. It is recognized that each of these tasks canbe performed by the same person.This part of BS 6400 is applicable to primary and secondary meterinstallations:a) supplied with 2nd family gases from low pressure gas distributionsystems with a maximum operating pressure not exceeding75 mbar, a design minimum pressure of 19 mbar and a designmaximum incidental pressure of 200 mbar;b) only fitted downstream of the emergency control valve;c) that utilizes a primary meter regulator downstream of theemergency control valve;d) where the operating pressure at the outlet of the meter isnominally 21 mbar.NOTE 2 Low pressure gas networks in Great Britain operate with amaximum operating pressure not exceeding 75 mbar, a design minimumpressure of 19 mbar and a design maximum incidental pressure of200 mbar.Installation pipework is specified in BS 6891.Service pipes (including the emergency control valve) are specified inthe Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers’ publication on gasservices, IGE/TD/4 [13].NOTE 3 All pressures quoted in this standard are gauge pressures andall pressure absorption values are for natural gas unless otherwisespecified.NOTE 4 Additional guidance on domestic gas systems can be found inthe European functional standards BS EN 1775 and BS EN 12279.
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