SIS SS 1781-1980 铆钉.薄钢板铆钉接合处铆钉强度特性的测定

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:SIS SS 1781-1980
英文标准名称:Rivets — Determination of strength properties for rivets in riveted joints in thin sheets
发布日期:1980/11/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Standard applies to the determination of the strength properties of pull mandrel blind rivets, tubular rivets and solid rivets with oval head and the determination of pull-out force, maximum allowable distance between sheets and the retention force between rivet and long break mandrel.The Standard gives testing methods for the static strength, but the methods are also applicable to fatigue testing.Full testing in accordance with this Standard is seldom necessary. Testing is carried out in accordance with the clauses which may be of significance in each individual case.The Standard is not intended for use at continuous checks during fabrication of rivets.The Standard does not deal with the determination of Characteristic Ultimate Load and allowable loads which are treated in ?Determination of Load-bearing Capacity by Testing? from the National Swedish Board of Physical Planning and Building, Approval Rules No. 1975:4.This Swedish standard has been completed with a transla-tion into English. In case of interpretation disputes the Swedish version applies.






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