IEC 61057-2017 带电作业. 安装在底盘上的绝缘天线设备

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:IEC 61057-2017
中文标准名称:带电作业. 安装在底盘上的绝缘天线设备
英文标准名称:Live working - Insulating aerial devices for mounting on a chassis
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60060-1-2010;IEC 60060-2-2010;IEC 60212-2010;IEC 60417-DB-2002;IEC 61318-2007;IEC 62237-2003;ISO 13850-2015;ISO 16368-2010;SAE J 343-2016;SAE J 517-2016
适用范围:This document is applicable to insulating aerial devices for mounting on a chassis, to be used for live working on electrical installations at nominal voltages above 1 000V r.m.s. AC in the range 45 Hz to 65 Hz and 1 500V DC. The primary purpose of an aerial device is for work positioning of personnel. Other devices, such as jibs, may be fitted in order to assist the operator in performing the work. This document also includes requirements and tests for the parts of the chassis influencing the performance of the insulating aerial devices to be used for live working. When mounted on a chassis, the insulating aerial device becomes a component of a mobile elevating work platform (MEWP). Complementary requirements for the resulting MEWP are included in ISO 16368. In Europe, EN 280 instead of ISO 16368 is often used as reference for complementary requirements. The products designed and manufactured according to this document contribute to the safety of users, provided they are used by skilled persons, in accordance with safe methods of work and the instructions for use. NOTE 2 Any requirements that are in conflict with or are meant to be complementary to ISO 16368 are delineated herein. Radial boom (digger) derricks are not covered by this document.






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