ISO/IEC 17592-2004 信息技术.120mm(每面4.7G字节)和80mm(每面1.46G字节)DVD可再写盘

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:ISO/IEC 17592-2004
英文标准名称:Information technology - 120 mm (4,7 Gbytes per side) and 80 mm (1,46 Gbytes per side) DVD rewritable disk (DVD-RAM)
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard specifies the mechanical, physical and optical characteristics of an optical disk,identified as DVD Rewritable Disk (DVD-RAM), to enable interchange of such disks. It specifies the quality ofthe recorded signals, the format of the data and the recording method, thereby allowing for informationinterchange by means of such disks. The data can be written, read and overwritten many times using the phasechange method. Two Types are specified that differ only by their diameter of 120 mm and 80 mm, and theresulting difference of capacity.This International Standard specifies− two related but different Types of this disk (see clause 7),− the conditions for conformance,− the environments in which the disk is to be tested, operated and stored,− the mechanical, physical and dimensional characteristics of the disk, so as to provide mechanical interchangebetween data processing systems,− the format of the information on the disk, including the physical disposition of the tracks and sectors, theerror correcting codes and the coding method,− the characteristics of the signals recorded on the disk, thus enabling data processing systems to read the datafrom the disk.This International Standard provides for the interchange of disks between optical disk drives. Together with astandard for volume and file structure, it provides for full data interchange between data processing systems. Theoptical disks specified by this International Standard may be enclosed in cases according to ISO/IEC 17594 asspecified therein.






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