BS EN 196-10-2006 测试水泥用方法.水泥的水溶解铬(VI)含量的测定

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS EN 196-10-2006
英文标准名称:Methods of testing cement - Determination of the water soluble chromium (VI) content of cement
发布日期:2006/8/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/8/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 196-1-2005;EN 196-7;EN 45011;EN ISO/IEC 17020;EN ISO/IEC 17025
适用范围:This European Standard specifies the method for the determination of the water-soluble chromium (VI)content of cement.A reference method is described consisting of two stages, an extraction procedure and an analysis ofthe filtered extract. Guidance on other extraction procedures, suitable for screening tests, for factoryproduction control or other purposes, is given but in case of dispute or failure to comply with aregulatory limit only the reference method is used. The reference method has alternatives wherebythe filtered extract may be subjected to an oxidation step or not. The criteria by which the appropriateprocedure is selected are set down. Other instrumental procedures may be used for the analysis ofthe filtered extract provided they are calibrated against the analysis of the filtered extract using thereference procedure. In the case of a dispute, only the reference method is used.Annex A sets out a normative procedure to be followed in case this test method is used as the basisfor evaluation of conformity of a cement with the regulatory limit in Directive 2003/53/EC.This European Standard describes a method that applies to cements. It may have wider applicabilitybut this would need to be verified by testing on a product-by-product basis. Guidance in the possibleapplication of this European Standard to the determination of the water-soluble chromium (VI) contentof cement-containing preparations is given in Annex B.Annexes C and D provide information on other test procedures based on paste extraction and thusdepart from the performance of cement in its normal conditions of use. They may be carried out withor without the oxidation process. Users should be aware that results using these methods might besignificantly different to those obtained by the reference method. In the case of dispute or failure tocomply with the regulatory limit only the reference method is used.Annex E provides guidance on a method for determination of the excess reducing agent content ofcement as used in the factory internal control system of some countries. Manufacturers using such aninternal control method should assure themselves of the relevance of results in comparison withtesting by the reference method.






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