BS ISO 21214-2006 智能运输系统.远中程连续空气接口(CALM).红外系统

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS ISO 21214-2006
英文标准名称:Intelligent transport systems - Continuous air interface, long and medium range (CALM) - Infra-red systems
发布日期:2006/7/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/7/31 12:00:00
适用范围:ISO 21214:2006 determines the air interface using infra-red systems at 820 nm to 1 010 nm. It provides protocols and parameters for medium-range, medium- to high-speed wireless communications in the ITS sector using infra-red systems.Such links are required for quasi-continuous, prolonged or short communications between vehicles and the roadside, between vehicles, and between mobile equipment and fixed infrastructure points, over medium and long ranges.Vehicles may be moving or stationary.Wherever practicable, ISO 21214:2006 has been developed by reference to suitable extant International Standards, adopted by selection. Required regional variations are provided.Due account is given to, and use made of, any relevant parts of appropriate communications systems, such as global positioning systems (GPS), digital audio broadcasting (DAB), digital video broadcasting (DVB), radio local area networks (RLANs), digital data broadcasting (DDB), TETRA, FM subcarrier, mobile broadband systems (MBS, W-ATM), internet protocols, and dedicated short range communication (DSRC).ISO 21214:2006supports data rates of 1 Mbit/s up to 128 Mbit/s (it may support higher data rates);supports vehicle speeds up to a minimum of 200 km/h (closing speeds could be double this value);defines or references environmental parameters relevant to link operation;supports communication distances up to 100 m (it may support longer communication distances of 300 m to 1 000 m);supports latencies and communication delays in the order of milliseconds;is compliant to regional/national regulatory parameters;may support other regional/national parameters as applicable.Application-specific requirements are outside the scope of ISO 21214:2006. These requirements will be defined in the CALM management and upper layer standards and in application standards.Application-specific upper layers are not included in ISO 21214:2006, but will be driven by application standards (which may not be technology specific).






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