IEC 60534-6-2-2000 工业过程控制阀 第6部分:定位器联接到控制阀执行机构的安装细则 环形执行机构定位器

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:IEC 60534-6-2-2000
中文标准名称:工业过程控制阀 第6部分:定位器联接到控制阀执行机构的安装细则 环形执行机构定位器
英文标准名称:Industrial-process control valves - Part 6-2: Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves; Positioner mounting on rotary actuators
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of IEC 60534 is intended to permit a variety of positioning devices, which respond to a rotary motion, to be mounted on the actuator of a control valve, either directly or by employing an intermediate mounting bracket. This standard is applicable where interchangeability between actuators and positioners is desired.a) The standardized mounting in this standard defines the interface between the positioner and a part of the actuator having a rotary movement proportional to the control valve travel.b) This standard also covers the direct connection between the positioner feedback and the shaft (or its axial extension) of a rotary control valve. In such cases, the feedback rotation is coincident with the valve angular travel.c) The standardized mounting applies to those rotary actuators in which the rotary part mentioned in item a) has a maximum travel of 90°.Such a travel is coincident with the valve travel when a direct connection (see item b)) is performed.d) The standardized mounting is divided into two options. Figure 1 shows the basic design and defines the minimum requirements an actuator must fulfill to adapt most common positioners. The universal design in figure 2 offers more variations of positioner adaptation andpositioner feedback connection. The positioner manufacturer should state which mounting design is required.






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