ISO/IEC 14756-1999 信息技术 以计算机为基础的软件系统性能的测量和评定

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:ISO/IEC 14756-1999
中文标准名称:信息技术 以计算机为基础的软件系统性能的测量和评定
英文标准名称:Information technology - Measurement and rating of performance of computer-based software systems
发布日期:1999/11/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard defines how user oriented performance of computer-based software systems (CBSS)may be measured and rated. A CBSS is a data processing system as it is seen by its users, e.g. by users at variousterminals, or as it is seen by operational users and business users at the data processing center.A CBSS includes hardware and all its software (system software and application software) which is needed torealize the data processing functions required by the users or what may influence to the CBSS’s time behaviour.This International Standard is applicable for tests of all time constrained systems or system parts. Also a networkmay be part of a system or may be the main subject of a test. The method defined in this International Standard isnot limited to special cases like classic batch or terminal-host systems, e.g. also included are client server systemsor, with a broader comprehension of the definition of ‘task‘, real time systems. But the practicability of tests may belimited by the expenditure required to test large environments.This International Standard specifies the key figures of user oriented performance terms and specifies a method ofmeasuring and rating these performance values. The specified performance values are those which describe theexecution speed of user orders (tasks), namely the triple of:- execution time,- throughput,- timeliness.The user orders, subsequently called tasks, may be of simple or complex internal structure. A task may be a job,transaction, process or a more complex structure, but with a defined start and end depending on the needs of theevaluator. When evaluating the performance it is possible to use this International Standard for measuring the timebehaviour with reference to business transaction completion times in addition to other individual response times.The rating is done with respect to users requirements or by comparing two or more measured systems (types orversions).Intentionally no proposals for measuring internal values, such as:- utilisation values,- mean instruction rates,- path lengths,- cache hit rates,- queuing times,- service times,are given, because the definition of internal values depends on the architecture of the hardware and the software ofthe system under test. Contrary to this the user oriented performance values which are defined in this InternationalStandard are independent of architecture. The definition of internal performance values can be done independentlyfrom the definition of user oriented performance values. They may be used and can be measured in addition to theuser oriented performance values. Also the definition of terms for the efficiency with which the user oriented valuesare produced can be done freely. In addition this International Standard gives guidance on how to establish at adata processing system a stable and reproducible state of operation. This reproducible state may be used tomeasure other performance values such as the above mentioned internal values.This International Standard focuses on:- application software;- system software;- turn-key systems (¡.e. systems consisting of an application software, the system software and the- general data processing systems.hardware for which it was designed);This International Standard specifies the requirements for an emulation (by a technical system -the so-calledremote terminal emulator (RTE) - of user interactions with a data processing system. It is the guideline for preciselymeasuring and rating the user oriented performance values. It provides the guideline for estimating these valueswith the required accuracy and repeatability of CBSSs with deterministic as well as random behaviour of users. It isalso a guidance for implementing a RTE or proving whether it works according to this International Standard.






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