IS 2508-1984
百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:IS 2508-1984
发布日期:1984/4/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and test for natural and black colour ( carbon black pigment ) low density polyethylene films intended for packaging, canal lining, agri-cultural operations and post harvest uses, construction work and allied purposes.1.2 This standard covers flexible, unsupported flat or tubular films 12.5 to 250 μm in thickness and width 175 to 7 500 mm ( 350 to 15 000 mm slit open width in the case of tubular films ), made from polyethylene materials having a density between 0.913 to 0.937 g/ml at 27℃ ( 0.915 to 0.939 g/ml at 23°C ).Note — When the film is intended for use for fumigation purposes, film of thickness above 175 μm shall be used. The actual thickness of the film to be used shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier.1.3 Coloured film other than black shall be as agreed to between the supplier and the purchaser.
5、自助下单 快递免费上门取样;