FCC Part 15 -Computing Devices, Cordless Telephones, Satellite Receivers, TV Interface Devices, Receivers, Low Power Transmitters
FCC Part 18 - Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Equipment, i.e. Microwave,
RF Lighting Ballast (ISM)
FCC Part 22 -Cellular Telephones
FCC Part 24 - Personal Communications Systems, covers licensed personal communications services
FCC Part 68 -All Types of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment, i.e.
Telephones ,modems,etc
FCC Part 74 -Experimental Radio, Auxiliary, Special Broadcast and other
program distributional services
FCC Part 90 -Private Land Mobile Radio Services includes Paging Devices and Mobile Radio Transmitters, covers land mobile radio products such as high-
powered walkie-talkies
FCC Part 95 -Personal Radio Service, includes devices such as Citizens Band (CB) transmitters, radio-controlled (R/C) toys, and devices for utilization under
the family radio service
FCC part 22 (GSM850)
FCC part 24 (GSM1900)
FCC part15.247 (Bluetooth/Wi-fi)
FCC part 15B (PC mode)
47 CFR part 22,part 24,part 15和part 2。
Carrier Output Power,Transmitter Conducted Measurements,Radiated Spurious Emission,Frequency Stability,Necessary Bandwidth and Emission Bandwidth,SAR
具体的测试方法主要参考了47 CFR part 2 和ANSI C63.4。