
百检网 2021-12-14
    立秋之后,江苏苏北地区一反常态,持续阴雨,低温寡照,使正处在发育盛期的棉花饱受摧残。上周末,南通、盐城、杨州等棉区再次降下中到大雨,气温在 25度以下徘徊。有经验的农技人员和老农说,七、八月份本应是秋熟作物结实的关键时期,而在这个时段连续数日阴雨不断,低温寡照实属罕见,已经构成了严重 的“暗灾”。 俗话说,“暗灾猛于虎”, 任何一种作物在产量形成阶段如此的浸于水渍中且见不到阳光,产量品质自然会受较大影响。

信息员从江苏大丰农委8月底5天棉花生育情况考察中发现,该市调查点移栽棉截止调查日大小棉铃平均只有21个,比上年少7个,棉花的花、蕾、铃 的脱落率高达42%,基部烂铃株均己达0.45个,而因为天气总难转晴,花蕾脱落和烂铃仍在加剧。 在8月中旬两场强降水后的调查中,农技人员已经估计盐城等苏北棉区的产量损失在15%左右,而从8月中旬后,当地仍以雨日低温天气为主,棉花基本上没有生 育的的环境,预计该地减产幅度将增加至三成。

在当前棉花生产上,苏棉地区还将面临棉铃虫的偏重流行,在雨日无法施药的情况下,虫口密度还会增加,对此,农技人员认为今年苏北棉花定性灾年是 恰如其份的。而在面临产量减少与棉价下行的情况下,江苏棉花明年面积减少幅度还将加大,农情问询中,多数农民对今年的天气表现抱怨不已,而对于眼下盛传的 新棉开秤报价在3.50元左右大为失望,全省棉花产销萧条景象日益加深。 就在信息员发稿时,从昨天就开始下的小到中雨仍未停止。

After the beginning of autumn, depart from one's normal behavior, northern Jiangsu continuous rain, low temperature and weak light, which is in the developmental stage of cotton battered. Last weekend, Nantong, Yancheng, Yangzhou, cotton down to rain again, the temperature hovered around 25 degrees below. Experienced technicians and seven or eight month old farmer said, this is the key period of autumn crops is strong, and in this period days of continuous rain, low temperature and sunlight are rare, has posed a serious "dark disaster". As the saying goes, "dark fire fiercer than tigers", any kind of crop in the yield stage so immersed in water and can not see the sun, yield and quality will be affected by.

Information discovered from Jiangsu Dafeng Commission 8 at the end of 5 days the cotton growth situation investigation, the investigation point of transplanting cotton on cotton by survey size of an average of only 21, less than 7, cotton flower, bud, boll shedding rate as high as 42%, basally Boll Rot isolates has amounted to 0.45, and because it's always difficult to clear up, flower abscission and Boll Rot was still aggravated. In the investigation of two heavy rainfall after mid August, technicians have been estimated Yancheng Jiangsu cotton yield loss was about 15%, and from the mid August, the local are still mainly in the rainy days of cold weather, cotton basically no birth environment, which is expected to yield will increase to three.

In the production of cotton, cotton areas will face the popular Soviet cotton bollworm on rainy days, in the case of no pesticide, insect density will increase, therefore, technicians think this year in North Jiangsu cotton qualitative leap is enough. In the face of yield reduction and cotton prices downward situation, Jiangsu cotton area decrease next year will also increase, agricultural information, the majority of the peasants to complain about the weather this year performance, but for now widely rumored that the new cotton balance offer yuan in 3.50 great disappointment, the province's cotton production recession deepening. In the information time, started from yesterday's small to moderate rain has not stopped.






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