
百检网 2021-12-15
    一、发放补贴办法:中央财政按照目标价格与市场价格的差价和国家统计局统计的产量,核定对兵团的补贴总额,并一次性拨付。 兵团财务局按照国家认可的兵团棉花产量及中央拨付补贴资金总额,将补贴资金拨付到植棉师,师拨到团场及代管的兵直单位,种植者凭棉花加工企业出具的籽棉收 购结算票据向棉花种植所在团场申请发放补贴。彩色棉,长绒棉等特种棉补贴标准与自治区保持一致,适当高于白色陆地棉,但是,没有经过公示,没有籽棉交售票 据以及兵团以外流入的棉花,均不给补贴。
    三、市场监测价格核定:与目标价格对应的棉花市场价格为轧花厂收购的籽棉折皮棉价格,监测对象为新疆主要等级棉花,即 3128、3129、2128、2129级棉花,市场价格由国家发改委会同农业部、供销总社等部门共同监测,9月1日-11月30日,每个工作日监测。自 治区要监测籽棉收购价格、棉籽销售价格、衣分率、皮棉销售价格,兵团由于籽棉和棉籽大部分都不是市场价格,相关部门只要求兵团监测皮棉销售价格。选取兵团 及主要植棉师棉麻公司作为价格监测点。
    (一)印制籽棉交售票据。兵团植棉者将棉花交到经兵团授权认定的棉花加工企业,棉花加工企业出具籽棉收购结算票据,票据一 式四联,即种植者、加工企业、所在团场、所在师棉麻公司各持一联,票据应注有交售时间、姓名、身份证号、联系电话、土地所属单位、棉花加工企业全称、籽棉 重量、等级、回潮率、含杂率等主要信息,各植棉师结合本师具体情况可增加指标,于8月底前统一印发。
    (二)籽棉统计数量的核实与公示。11月中旬,团场棉花加工企业将植棉者实际交售籽棉相关数据汇总后报团场,经团场审核 后,将面积、预测产量和籽棉交售量分别在连队和团场进行公示,预测产量作为统计籽棉产量的主要依据,两者相差一般不超过5%,无异议后,上报师统计局,师 审核后,将籽棉交售量于11月底前报兵团统计局汇总、审核。
    五、认定棉花目标价格补贴加工企业加工资格:根据《兵团棉花目标价格改革加工企业资格认定实施细则》,按照认定标准,认定 流程,对各类兵团棉花加工企业,分别由兵团和师发展改革委认定,8 月底前兵团和自治区资格认定机关对各自认定的棉花目标价格补贴加工企业名单,在各部门门户网站进行联合公示,公示期为10 个工作日,公示期满后,兵团和各师发展改革委分别对所属认定的棉花加工企业颁发带有统一编号的牌匾。


Recently, the market widely circulated about the Trial Measures Xinjiang Corps target price subsidies, the latest version of specific rules on hearsay points as follows:

A, way: the central government subsidies in accordance with the price and the National Bureau of statistics of the target price and the market price of the output, the total amount of the approved subsidies to the Corps, and the one-time allocation. According to the Bureau of Finance Corps corps cotton yield and central government approved by the total amount of funds to subsidize, subsidy funds will be allocated to the planting division, division is allocated to farms and escrow soldiers direct unit, by cotton growers produce cotton processing enterprises in the acquisition of settlement of bill to cotton regiment field application of subsidies. Colored cotton, cotton and other special cotton subsidies standards and autonomous region consistent, appropriate is higher than that of white cotton, however, have not been public, no seed sold bills and outside into the corps cotton, all does not give subsidies.

Two, all units will be required to cotton farmers actual planting area, yield prediction before September 3rd respectively for publicity in the company and farms, without publicity, no seed sold bills and outside into the corps cotton, all does not give subsidies.

Three, the market price: approved monitoring and target price corresponding to the cotton market price for cotton ginning factory purchase seed cotton lint price discount, monitoring objects for Xinjiang grade cotton, i.e. 3128, 3129, 2128, 2129 cotton, market prices by the national development and Reform Commission jointly with the Ministry of agriculture, supply and marketing cooperatives and other departments to monitor, September 1st -11 month 30 day, every working day monitoring. Autonomous Region to monitor seed cotton purchase price, sales price, cottonseed lint percentage, lint sales price, the corps cotton and cottonseed because most of it is not the market price, the relevant departments only requires the Corps monitoring lint sales price. select the corps and division as main cotton linen cotton company price monitoring point.

Four, statistical cotton sold amount:

(a) printed cotton sold bills. The corps cotton to cotton to that authorized by the corps cotton processing enterprises, processing enterprises to produce cotton seed cotton purchase and settlement of bills, bills in quadruplicate, namely the growers, processing enterprises, the farm, where the normal cotton company each holding a bill, should be sold time, name, ID number, contact telephone number, land subordinate units, cotton processing enterprise name, seed cotton weight, grade, moisture regain, the main information impurity rate, the cotton division according to the specific circumstances can increase the division index, to the end of 8 uniform issued.

(two) for verification and publication statistical number of cotton. In mid November, farm cotton processing enterprises will actually sell cotton seed cotton related data after the summary report farm, the farm after the audit, the area, yield and seed cotton sold separately for publicity in the company and its production forecast, as the main basis of statistical cotton yield, the difference is less than 5%, without objection, reporting division Statistics Bureau, after approval, will amount to 11 by the end of cotton sold newspaper Corps Bureau of statistics summary, audit.

(three) estimate lint yield. The corps cotton must all the judiciary, judiciary and autonomous regions remain the same, group Statistics Bureau in accordance with the relevant statistical system, area, yield, unginned cotton sold quantity, measurement, verification of each division lint yield to consider to plan as a whole, autonomous as required by the state to the state, region, as the state set target price subsidies for cotton.

Five, target price subsidies that cotton processing enterprises qualification: according to the "target price reform that corps cotton processing enterprises certification regulations", in accordance with the standards, identification process, processing of various corps cotton enterprises, respectively by the corps and division of development and Reform Commission finds that, before the end of 8 The Corps and the autonomous region of the respective qualification authority identification cotton price target subsidies processing enterprises list, joint publicity on the departmental portal website, publicity for a period of 10 working days, after the expiration of the publicity, development and Reform Commission corps and divisions of the recognition of the cotton processing enterprises issued a numbered plaque.

If the rumor is true, can determine the Corps of subsidies for one-time allocation. Colored cotton and long staple cotton may also have subsidies. In the area, yield monitoring, sold and seed cotton ginning, corps has made the corresponding preparations, and the detailed rules for the implementation of.






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