ISO 16175-2-2011 信息和文献.电子办公环境中记录的原则和功能要求.第2部分:数字记录管理体系的指南和功能要求

百检网 2021-07-14
标准号:ISO 16175-2-2011
英文标准名称:Information and documentation - Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments - Part 2: Guidelines and functional requirements for digital records management systems
发布日期:2011/4/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 15489-1-2001;ISO/TR 15801-2009;ISO 16175-1-2010;ISO 1617-3-2010;ISO 23081-1-2006;ISO 23081-2-2009;ISO 2788-1986;ISO 5964-1985;International Council on Archives, Principles and Functional Requirements for;International Council on Archives, Principles a
适用范围:The scope of this part is limited to products that are often termed ‘electronic recordsmanagement systems’ or ‘enterprise content management systems’. This part willuse the term digital records management systems for those software applicationswhose primary function is records management. It does not seek to set requirementsfor records still in use and held within business systems. Digital objects created byemail, word processing, spreadsheet and imaging applications (such as textdocuments, and still or moving images), where they are identified to be of businessvalue, should be managed within digital records management systems which meetthe functional requirements set out in this part.Records managed by a digital records management system may be stored on avariety of different media formats, and may be managed in hybrid recordaggregations that include both digital and non-digital elements.This part does not attempt to include requirements that are not specific to, ornecessary for, records management, for example, general system management anddesign requirements. Nor does it include requirements common to all softwareapplications, such as performance, scalability and usability. Given the targetaudience of this document, it also assumes a level of knowledge about developingdesign specifications, procurement and evaluation processes, and therefore theseissues are not covered in this part. Although not included in this part’s requirements,the importance of non-records management functional requirements for recordsmanagement systems is recognised through their inclusion in the high-level modeloutlined in Section 4.2: Overview of functional requirements.Specifications for the long-term preservation of digital records are also beyond thescope of this part; this issue should be addressed separately within a dedicatedframework for digital preservation or ‘digital archiving’ at a strategic level. Thesedigital preservation considerations transcend the life of systems and are systemindependent; they should be assessed in a specific migration and conversion plan atthe tactical level. However, recognition of the need to maintain records for as long asthey are required shall be addressed, and potential format obsolescence issuesshould also be considered when applying the functional requirements.This part articulates a set of functional requirements for digital records managementsystems. These requirements apply to records irrespective of the media in which theywere created and/or stored. The requirements are intended to:a) set out the processes and requirements for identifying and managingrecords in digital records management systems;b) set out the records management functionality to be included in a designspecification when building, upgrading or purchasing digital recordsmanagement systems software;c) inform records management functional requirements in the selection ofcommercially available digital records management systems; andd) review the records management functionality of, or assess the complianceof, an existing digital records management system.






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