BS PD CLC/TR 50436-3-2010 酒精联动装置.试验方法和性能要求PD CLC/TR 50436-3-2010.第3部分:制造者,购买者和使用者决策指南

百检网 2021-07-14
标准号:BS PD CLC/TR 50436-3-2010
中文标准名称:酒精联动装置.试验方法和性能要求PD CLC/TR 50436-3-2010.第3部分:制造者,购买者和使用者决策指南
英文标准名称:Alcohol interlocks.Test methods and performance requirements PD CLC/TR 50436-3-2010. Part 3: Guidance for decision makers, purchasers and users
发布日期:2011/3/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/3/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 50436-1-2005;EN 50436-2-2007;EN ISO/IEC 17025-2005;International Recommendation OIML R 126-1998;International Bureau of Legal Metrology, 11, rue Turgot-75 009 Paris-France
适用范围:An alcohol interlock is a system comprising a breath alcohol measuring instrument and an immobiliserwhich may be easily installed in a motor vehicle. Before the vehicle can be started, a breath samplehas to be provided to the alcohol interlock, normally through a mouthpiece. Once the breath alcoholmeasurement has been performed, the alcohol interlock will prevent drivers from starting the motor ifthey have an alcohol concentration above a predetermined limit value. This limit may be set at the legallimit of a respective country or lower.Alcohol interlocks that meet the relevant European Standards detect, for example, if the sample isdelivered by a human being. They are also capable of preventing and detecting tampering with theinstrument.Additional parts of the system may include identity checking or recording mechanisms.The purpose of this Technical Report is to give practical guidance for selection, installation, use andmaintenance of alcohol interlocks. It is directed to all those who have an interest in alcohol interlocksas well as companies selling and installing alcohol interlocks, purchasers and users for commercial,professional or private use. The Technical Report gives information about the alcohol interlock andhow it is to be used.This Technical Report primarily describes alcohol interlocks for use in vehicles as a general preventivemeasure in traffic safety. However, information provided may also be useful for alcohol interlocks inother applications.






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