BS PD CLC/TR 50555-2010 中断指数
百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:BS PD CLC/TR 50555-2010
英文标准名称:Interruption indexes
发布日期:2010/6/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/6/30 12:00:00
适用范围:This Technical Report provides guidance on how to calculate continuity of supply indices. Theserecommended indices are more particularly given for European benchmarking of distribution networkperformance. For transmission network performance, more representative indices 2) may be used.It presents– an overview of practices in Europe on long and short interruptions,– definition of physical interruptions in a harmonized way,– philosophy and criteria for recommending indices,– a suggested common approach to continuity indices.The fact that the networks in different parts of any particular country will be subject to differentconditions (e.g. weather and customer density) mean that it is not viable to apply commonperformance standards to all networks within any one country or any group of countries withoutmaking these targets so weak that there is a good prospect of them being achieved in all areas. Thepresent situation where national regulators set performance targets within their own countries is widelyregarded as being the most effective mechanism for achieving optimal socio-economic performance.For these reasons this Technical Report does not provide common targets for the number andduration of interruptions that should not be exceeded.This Technical Report is designed to be a first step towards benchmarking the interruptionperformance of European countries. Rules on the aggregation of interruptions, in particular shortinterruptions, have not been considered in this Technical Report, however it is recognised that it mightbe necessary to describe aggregation rules in a second version of the Technical Report.
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