ISO/IEC 11404-2007 信息技术.通用数据类型(GPD)

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:ISO/IEC 11404-2007
英文标准名称:Information technology - General-Purpose Datatypes (GPD)
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard specifies the nomenclature and shared semantics for a collection of datatypescommonly occurring in programming languages and software interfaces, referred to as the General-PurposeDatatypes (GPD). It specifies both primitive datatypes, in the sense of being defined ab initio without referenceto other datatypes, and non-primitive datatypes, in the sense of being wholly or partly defined in terms of otherdatatypes. The specification of datatypes in this International Standard is “general-purpose” in the sense thatthe datatypes specified are classes of datatype of which the actual datatypes used in programming languagesand other entities requiring the concept “datatype” are particular instances. These datatypes are general innature; thus, they serve a wide variety of information processing applications.This International Standard expressly distinguishes three notions of datatype:⎯ the conceptual, or abstract, notion of a datatype, which characterizes the datatype by its nominal valuesand properties;⎯ the structural notion of a datatype, which characterizes the datatype as a conceptual organization ofspecific component datatypes with specific functionalities; and⎯ the implementation notion of a datatype, which characterizes the datatype by defining the rules forrepresentation of the datatype in a given environment.This International Standard defines the abstract notions of many commonly used primitive and non-primitivedatatypes which possess the structural notion of atomicity. This International Standard does not define allatomic datatypes; it defines only those which are common in programming languages and software interfaces.This International Standard defines structural notions for the specification of other non-primitive datatypes,and provides a means by which datatypes not defined herein can be defined structurally in terms of the GPDsdefined herein.This International Standard defines a partial terminology for implementation notions of datatypes and providesfor the use of this terminology in the definition of datatypes. The primary purpose of this terminology is toidentify common implementation notions associated with datatypes and to distinguish them from conceptualnotions.This International Standard specifies the required elements of mappings between the GPDs and the datatypesof some other language. This International Standard does not specify the precise form of a mapping, butrather the required information content of a mapping.






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