IEC 60671-2007 核电站.仪器装置和控制系统的安全性.监督测试

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:IEC 60671-2007
英文标准名称:Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Surveillance testing
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:Where functional reliability is required by general safety standards, one aspect ofdemonstrating this reliability is testing performed on-line during plant operation or during plantshutdown in preparation for return to power operation.This standard lays down principles for testing I&C systems performing category A, B and Cfunctions, per IEC 61226, during normal power operation and shutdown, so as to check thefunctional availability especially with regard to the detection of faults that could prevent theproper operation of the functions important to safety. It covers the possibility of testing atshort intervals or continuous surveillance, as well as periodic testing at longer intervals. Italso establishes basic rules for the design and application of the test equipment and itsinterface with the systems important to safety. Further, the effect of any test equipment failureon the reliability of the I&C systems is considered.Types of surveillance tests may include:– self-tests for I&C equipment;– test of a group of equipment or components to confirm properties that support the safetyfunction (continuity, power availability, etc.);– test based on information redundancy or comparison of control signatures (consistencychecking for redundant sensors, CRC-checking, Checksum, etc.);– periodic testing which is related to the correctness of functional behaviour of an I&Csystem.The dependability targets of any I&C system is reached using an appropriate combination oftests of the form indicated above.The extent of the I&C system to be tested is from the interface of the sensors with the processthrough to the actuation devices. It is applicable to the installed I&C systemsas well as to temporary installations which are part of those I&C systems important to safety(for example, auxiliary equipment for commissioning tests and experiments). This standardalso applies to individual electromechanical equipment, such as relays and solenoidactuators.Additional testing and inspections may be performed on I&C equipment for purposes otherthan the demonstration of functional capability, such as to optimise preventive maintenance,etc. Such tests are beyond the scope of this standard; however, they may be combined withthe surveillance testing discussed herein.For any on-line tests the potential interaction and fault dependencies between the part of thesystem under test and the testing part, have to be carefully studied and their influences haveto be fully integrated into the reliability assessment of the functions important to safety (inaccordance with IEC 61513).This standard applies to the I&C of new nuclear power plants as well as to I&C upgrading orback-fitting of existing plants. For I&C upgrades, only a subset of the requirements may beapplicable; this subset is to be identified at the beginning of any project.






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