IEC/TR 62461-2006 辐射防护仪.测定测量中的不确定度

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:IEC/TR 62461-2006
英文标准名称:Radiation protection instrumentation - Determination of uncertainty in measurement
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Technical Report gives guidelines for the application of the uncertainty analysis accordingto the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) for measurementscovered by standards of IEC Subcommittee 45B (SC 45B). It does not include the uncertaintyassociated with the concept of the measuring quantity, e. g., the difference between Hp(10) onthe ISO water slab phantom and on the person. It is restricted to measurements of a singlequantity consisting of only one value. Therefore, it is for example, not applicable tospectrometric measurements.This Technical Report explains the principles of the GUM and the special considerationsnecessary for radiation protection at an example taken from individual dosimetry of externalradiation, for example the daily measurement of the dose to the individual. In the informativeannexes, several examples are given for the application on instruments, for which SC 45Bhas developed standards. This Technical Report shall assist the understanding of the GUMand other papers on uncertainty analysis. It cannot replace these papers nor can it providethe background and justification of the arguments leading to the concept of the GUM.This Technical Report provides a variety of examples for the determination of the uncertainty,but none of the methods, probability density distributions or values given are exclusive. Therelevant document is the GUM, therefore any other method, probability density distribution orvalue in line with the GUM is applicable for the determination of the uncertainty.






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