ISO 13584-501-2007 工业自动化系统和集成.零件资料库.第501部分:测量仪器用参考字典.登记程序

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:ISO 13584-501-2007
英文标准名称:Industrial automation systems and integration - Parts library - Part 501: Reference dictionary for measuring instruments - Registration procedure
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of ISO 13584 specifies the requirements for an ISO-registered reference dictionary formeasuring instruments with their descriptive properties and domains of values. The measuringinstruments to be included in the dictionary comprise environment measuring instruments andlaboratory measuring instruments.This part of ISO 13584 also specifies the procedures of an organization that develops, maintainsand updates the reference dictionary for measuring instruments over a specified period of time.Such an organization is nominated by ISO and is referenced in this part of ISO 13584 as theregistration authority of the reference dictionary for measuring instruments.The reference dictionary for measuring instruments contains the following:— definitions and identifications of classes of measuring instruments, with associatedclassification scheme;— definitions and identifications of data element types that represent properties of measuringinstruments;— definitions and identifications of domains of values that prove useful for describing the abovedata element types.Each class, property or domain of values of this application domain constitutes an entry of thereference dictionary for measuring instruments defined by the registration authority. It isassociated with a computer sensible and human readable definition, and with a computer sensibleidentification. Each dictionary entry has an identifier that allows it to be referencedunambiguously from any application.Definitions and identifications of dictionary entries are defined by means of standard data thatThe following are within the scope of this part of ISO 13584:— requirements on the standard data that is used to represent the various classes of measuringinstruments, together with their descriptive properties and domains of values;NOTE 1 Descriptive properties can include properties concerning regulations on manufacturing,operation, maintenance, disposal and recycling of the product.— the process to be followed by the registration authority to propose and validate an initialversion of the reference dictionary for measuring instruments;— the process to be followed by the registration authority to collect, validate and register newentries or update entries for the reference dictionary for measuring instruments;— the process to be followed by the registration authority to distribute the reference dictionaryfor measuring instruments.The following is outside the scope of this part of ISO 13584:— the standard data themselves that constitute the content of the reference dictionary formeasuring instruments.






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