DIN EN 14782-2006 外部镶面和内部衬垫屋顶层用自承重金属薄板.产品规范和要求.德文版本EN 14782-2006
百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:DIN EN 14782-2006
中文标准名称:外部镶面和内部衬垫屋顶层用自承重金属薄板.产品规范和要求.德文版本EN 14782-2006
英文标准名称:Self-supporting metal sheet for roofing, external cladding and internal lining - Product specification and requirements; English version of DIN EN 14782:2006-03
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 506-2000;EN 508-1-2000;EN 508-2;EN 508-3-2000;ENV 1187;EN 1427;EN 10002-1;EN 10088-1;EN 10204;EN 10326;EN 13162;EN 13501-1;EN 13501-5;EN 13823;EN ISO 6270-1;EN ISO 6988;EN ISO 9001-2000;EN ISO 11925-2;ISO 9227
适用范围:This European Standard specifies the terminology, requirements and test methods for factory made self-supporting metal sheets and tiles (for non-structural applications) delivered in the form of manufactured piecesfor roofing and wall cladding and lining.This standard also covers ceiling (including internal metal sheet) and soffit applications and cassettes (seeFigure 1 ).This standard covers self-supporting copper, zinc, steel, aluminium and stainless steel sheet with or withoutcoatings, e.g. metallic, organic, inorganic or multi-layer (see Annex A). A moisture retaining layer intended toreduce the fall of droplets coming from condensation may be present on the reverse side of the product.This standard also includes rules for marking, labelling and evaluation of conformity.This standard does not cover products for structural purposes, i.e. it does not cover products intended tocontribute to the global or partial stability of the building structure by providing racking resistance or resistanceto permanent static loads (excluding self-weight of the metal sheet).Requirements concerning acoustical and thermal insulation properties are not considered in this standard.This standard does not include calculation or design requirements with regards to the works, installationtechniques or the performance of the installed products.
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