SAE AIR 790C-2006 航空器燃料系统中冻结成冰的考虑

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:SAE AIR 790C-2006
英文标准名称:(R) Considerations on Ice Formation in Aircraft Fuel Systems
发布日期:2006/8/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:SAE ARP 1401A;MIL-F-17874B
适用范围:Ice formation in aircraft fuel systems results from the presence of dissolved and undissolved water in the fuel. Dissolvedwater or water in solution with hydrocarbon fuels constitutes a relatively small part of the total water potential in aparticular system with the quantity dissolved being primarily dependent on the fuel temperature and the water solubilitycharacteristics of the fuel. One condition of undissolved water is entrained water such as water particles suspended in thefuel as a result of mechanical agitation of free water or conversion of dissolved water through temperature reduction.Another condition of undissolved water is free water which may be introduced as a result of refueling or the settling ofentrained water which collects at the bottom of a fuel tank in easily detectable quantities separated by a continuousinterface from the fuel above. Water may also be introduced as a result of condensation from air entering a fuel tankthrough the vent system.Entrained water will settle out in time under static conditions and may or may not be drained, depending on the rate atwhich it is converted to free water. In general, it is not likely that all entrained water can ever be separated from fuel underfield conditions. The settling rate depends on a series of factors including temperature, quiescence and droplet size. Thedroplet size will vary depending upon the mechanics of formation. Usually the particles are so small as to be invisible tothe naked eye, but in extreme cases can cause a slight haziness in the fuel.Free water can be drained from a fuel tank if low point drain provisions are adequate. Water in solution cannot beremoved except by dehydration or by converting it, through temperature reduction, to entrained, then to free water.Water strictly in solution is not a serious problem in aviation fuel so long as it remains in solution. Entrained and free waterare the most dangerous because of the potential of freezing on the surfaces of the fuel system. Further, entrained waterwill freeze in cold fuel and tend to stay in solution longer since the specific gravity of ice is approximately the same as thatof hydrocarbon fuels.The elimination of undissolved water, to the extent practicable, in fuel storage, handling and delivery systems as well as inaircraft fuel systems can reduce or eliminate the potential for icing problems. Appropriate testing of fuel systems, subsystems and components under controlled icing conditions can establish confidence in the safe operation of the aircraftfuel system in such icing conditions. Considerations for these measures to control potential icing problems are addressedherein.Several things happen to moisture laden fuel as the temperature is lowered, and an understanding of this helps to arriveat proper fuel conditioning procedures and subsequent testing for icing conditions. As the temperature of fuel is lowered,concentration of water droplets in the fuel begins to decrease in the vicinity of 40 to 50 °F (4 to 10 °C). Therefore, to get areliable conditioning of fuel, samples should be taken and mixing of fuel and water should be accomplished beforelowering the temperature further. Ice crystals begin to form as the temperature nears the freeze point of water; however,due to impurities in the water, this normally takes place at slightly lower temperatures (27 to 31 °F) (-3 to -1 °C). As thetemperature is lowered further, the ice crystals begin to adhere to their surroundings in the form of ice.






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