BS ISO TR 7066-1-1997 流量测量设备的校验校验和校验不可信度的评定.第1部分:线性校验关系

百检网 2021-07-16
标准号:BS ISO TR 7066-1-1997
英文标准名称:Assessment of uncertainty in calibration and use of flow measurement devices - Linear calibration relationships
发布日期:1997/7/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1997/7/15 12:00:00
适用范围:1 This part of ISO/TR 7066 describes the procedures to be used in deriving the calibration curve for any method of measuring flowrate in closed conduits or open channels, and of assessing the uncertainty associated with such calibrations. Procedures are also given for estimation of the uncertainty arising in measurements obtained with the use of the resultant graph, and for calculation of the uncertainty in the mean of a number of measurements of the same flowrate. 2 Only linear relationships are considered in this part of ISO/TR 7066; the uncertainty in non-linear relationships forms the subject of ISO/TR 7066-2. This part of ISO/TR 7066 is applicable, therefore, only if a) the relationship between the two variables is itself linear, or one or both variables can be transformed in such a manner as to create a linear relationship between them, as, for instance by the use of logarithms, or the total range can be subdivided in such a way that within each subdivision the relationship between the two variables can be regarded as being linear; and if b) systematic deviations from the fitted line are negligible compared with the uncertainty associated with the individual observations forming the graph. NOTE — Examples of the application of the principles contained in this part of ISO/TR 7066 are given in annexes B and C.






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