BS 6057-3.7-1995 橡胶乳.第3部分:试验方法.第7节:天然橡胶乳密度测定
百检网 2021-07-16
标准号:BS 6057-3.7-1995
英文标准名称:Rubber latices - Methods of test - Determination of density of natural rubber latices
发布日期:1995/2/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1995/2/15 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the density of natural rubber latex concentrate between the temperatures of 5 ℃ and 40 ℃. The standard is intended for use when density determinations are used to calculate the mass of a measured volume of latex in locations where it is not practical to weigh directly or to control the tempera-ture of the laboratory. For such purposes, it is essen-tial that the density be determined on a latex sample containing the same amount of air as it contained when the volume was measured. Therefore, the latex bulk is allowed to stand for a minimum period of 24 h before sampling to ensure the removal of air bubbles. The density determination is preferably made at the same temperature as the volume measurement, otherwise a correction must be ap-plied.
This method is suitable for all latices from natural sources, for synthetic latex and for compounded or prevulcanized latex, as well as for artificial dispersions of rubber; however, the temperature correction given in 7.2 is not necessarily valid for all these.
For measurements made at standard temperatures, ISO 8962:1987, Plastics —Polymer dispersions —Determination of density should be used.
NOTE 1 It is intended that future editions of ISO 8962 will be modified to include latex in the scope.
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