SIS SS-EN 10 027-1-1992 钢铁标志法.第1部分:钢铁名称,主要符号
百检网 2021-07-16
标准号:SIS SS-EN 10 027-1-1992
英文标准名称:Designation system for steel — Part 1: Steel names, principal symbols
发布日期:1992/10/14 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This part of European Standard EN 10027 sets out rules for designating steel, by means of symbolic letters and numbers to express application and principal characteristics, e.g. mechanical, physical, chemical, so as to provide an abbreviated identification of steels.In order to avoid ambiguity, it may be necessary to supplement the principal symbols established according to this European Standard by additional symbols identifying additional characteristics of the steel or steel product, e.g. suitability for use at high or low temperatures, surface condition, treatment condition, deoxidation. These additional symbols are covered in Information Circular IC 101'.NOTE. In the English language the designations covered by this European Standard together with IC 10 are known as 'steel names ; in the French language as 'designation symbolique'; in the German language as 'Kurznamen'.1.2 These rules apply to steel specified in European Standards, Harmonization Documents and CEN members' national standards.1.3 These rules may apply to non-standardized steels.1.4 A system of numerical designation of steels known as steel numbers is set out in EN 10027-2.
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