ONORM ENV 41802-6-1993 信息系统互连.X.25协议中继.RC51.1121文件(数字数据电路/CSDN租用线路范围内的M-IT-02R/32)
百检网 2021-07-16
标准号:ONORM ENV 41802-6-1993
英文标准名称:Information Systems Interconnection - X.25 Protocol Relaying - Profile RC51.1121 (M-IT-02 R/32 over digital data circuit/CSDN leased line)
发布日期:1993/2/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 GeneralThls Functlonal Standard ls applicable to interworklng unlts concerned with the usc of ISO 8208 (X.25 Packet Level Protocol). An R/Cp.q relay provtdes the means for a System on one subnetwork to communicate with a System, or make use of faclllües. on another subnetwork.Thls part of thls Functlonal Standard deflnes the R/C51.1121 proüle. whlch ls applicable to interworking unlts operatlng between CSMA/CD LAN subnetworks and PSONs using Virtual calls over a digital data clrcult/CSDN leased llne permanent access.1.2 Position in the taxonomyThe taxonomy of proflles ls deflned in ISO TR 10000-2. Thls part of thls Functlonal Standard deflnes the proflle:R/C51.1121 X.25 Protocol Relaylng: Relaylng between a CSMA/CD LAN subnetwork and a PSDN subnetwork using Virtual calls over a digital data clrcult/CSDN leased llne permanent access.1.3 ScenarioFlgure 1 illustrates the conflguratlon of Systems to whlch the R/C51.1121 proflle ls applicable. The flgure shows two reference polnts. but tmplementatlons of R/C51.1121 proflles may lnclude any number of subnetwork attachments, with a reference polnts correspondlng to each.
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