BS EN 1991-4-2006 欧洲法规 1.建筑物的作用.筒仓和槽罐

百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:BS EN 1991-4-2006
中文标准名称:欧洲法规 1.建筑物的作用.筒仓和槽罐
英文标准名称:Eurocode 1. Actions on structures - Silos and tanks
发布日期:2006/6/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/6/30 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 3898-1997
适用范围:1.1.1 Scope of EN 1991 - Eurocode 1(1)P EN 1991 provides general principles and actions for the structural design of buildings and civilengineering works including some geotechnical aspects and shall be used in conjunction with EN 1990 and EN1992-1999.(2) EN 1991 also covers structural design during execution and structural design for temporary structures. Itrelates to all circumstances in which a structure is required to give adequate performance.(3) EN 1991 is not directly intended for the structural appraisal of existing construction, in developing thedesign of repairs and alterations or for assessing changes of use.(4) EN 1991 does not completely cover special design situations which require unusual reliabilityconsiderations such as nuclear structures for which specified design procedures should be used.1.1.2 Scope of EN 1991-4 actions on structures: silos and tanks(1)P This part provides general principles and actions for the structural design of silos for the storage ofparticulate solids and tanks for the storage of fluids and shall be used in conjunction with EN 1990, other partsof EN 1991 and EN 1992 to EN 1999.(2) This part includes some provisions for actions on silo and tank structures that are not only associated withthe stored solids or liquids (e.g. the effects of thermal differentials, aspects of the differential settlements ofbatteries of silos)(3) The following geometrical limitations apply to the design rules for silos:- the silo cross-section shapes are limited to those shown in Figure 1.1d, though minor variations may beaccepted provided the structural consequences of the resulting changes in pressure are considered;- the following dimensional limitations apply:hb/dc < 10hb < l00 mdc < 60 m- the transition lies in a single horizontal plane (see Figure 1.1a);- the silo does not contain an internal structure such as a cone or pyramid with its apex uppermost, crossbeams,etc. However, a rectangular silo may contain internal ties.(4) The following limitations on the stored solids apply to the design rules for silos:- each silo is designed for a defined range of particulate solids properties;- the stored solid is free-flowing, or the stored solid can be guaranteed to flow freely within the silo containeras designed (see 1.5.12 and Annex C);- the maximum particle diameter of the stored solid is not greater than 0,03dc.(5) The following limitations on the filling and discharge arrangements apply to the design rules for silos:- filling involves only negligible inertia effects and impact loads;- where discharge devices are used (for example feeders or internal flow tubes) solids flow is smooth andcentral.(6) Only hoppers that are conical (i.e. axisymmetric), square pyramidal or wedge-shaped (i.e. with vertical endwalls) are covered by this standard. Other hopper shapes and hoppers with internals require specialconsiderations.(7) Some silos with a systematically non-symmetric geometry are not specifically covered by this standard.These cases include a chisel hopper (i.e. a wedge hopper beneath a circular cylinder) and a diamond-backhopper.(8) The design rules for tanks apply only to tanks storing liquids at normal atmospheric pressure.(9) Actions on the roofs of silos and tanks are given in EN 1991-1-1, EN 1991-1-3 to EN 1991-1-7 and EN1991-3 as appropriate.(10) The design of silos for reliable solids discharge is outside the scope of this standard.(11) The design of silos against silo quaking, shocks, honking, pounding and silo music is outside the scope ofthis standard.NOTE: These phenomena are not well understood, so the use of this standard does not guarantee that they will notoccur, or that the structure is adequate to resist them.






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