BS EN 62150-1-2005 纤维光学有源元件和器件.试验和测量规程.总则和指南
百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:BS EN 62150-1-2005
英文标准名称:Fibre optic active components and devices - Test and measurement procedures - General and guidance
发布日期:2005/10/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2005/10/31 12:00:00
引用标准:lEC 60825-1;IEC 60825-2;IEC 61315;IEC 61930;IEC 61931
适用范围:This part of IEC 62150 contains a series of performance test procedures, including preferredseverities designed to assess the ability of active components to perform under expectedservice conditions. This part of IEC 62150 provides general information that applies to all of theseprocedures.The object of this standard is to provide uniform and reproducible environmental testprocedures and measurement procedures, for those preparing specifications for fibre opticactive components and devices.These test and measurement procedures are based on available international engineeringexperience and judgement, and are designed to provide information on the followingproperties of active components:a) ability to operate within specified limits of temperature, pressure. humidity, mechanicalstress or other environmental conditions and certain combinations of these conditions;b) ability to withstand storage and transport;c) ability to meet the specified levels of optical performance.Active optical components considered in the present standard are those specified in theIEC 62007, IEC 62148 and IEC 62149 series.The tests in this standard permit the performance of sample components or equipment to becompared. To assess the overall quality of a production lot, the test procedures should beapplied in accordance with a suitable sampling plan and may be supplemented by appropriateadditional tests, if necessary.To provide tests appropriate to the different intensities of an environmental condition, some ofthe test procedures have a number of degrees of severity. These different degrees of severityare obtained by varying the time, temperature or some other determining factor separately orin combination.This standard should be used in combination with the detail specification, which will define thetests to be used, the required degree of severity for each of them, their sequence, if relevant,and the permissible performance limits. In the event of conflict between this basic standardand the detail specification, the latter will apply.
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