BS EN ISO 10821-2005+A1-2009 工业缝纫机械.缝纫机械、设备和系统的安全要求
百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:BS EN ISO 10821-2005+A1-2009
英文标准名称:Industrial sewing machines - Safety requirements for sewing machines, units and systems
发布日期:2005/9/2 12:00:00
实施日期:2005/9/2 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 286;ISO 639;ISO 2768;ISO 3740-2000;ISO 3741-1999;ISO 3743-1-1994;ISO 3744-1994;ISO 3745-2003;ISO 3746-1985;ISO 3747-2000;ISO 3864-2-2004;ISO 4183-1995;ISO 4871-1996;ISO 4915-1991;ISO 4916-1991;ISO 7574;ISO 8239-1987;ISO/CIE 8995-2002;ISO 9614-2-1996;I
适用范围:This International Standard identifies hazards and specifies safety requirements applicable to sewingmachines, sewing units and sewing systems designed for professional (industrial, commercial or laboratory)use in industries including the clothing and footwear, leather goods, shirts and blousery, hosiery and knitwear,lingerie, glove, upholstery and packaging industries, and in shoe repair.The information on use and maintenance of such machines in other industries could give rise to hazards notconsidered in this International Standard.The requirements of this International Standard are applicable to machinery installed in dry and well-kept,clean locations and processing dry sewing material. Where the sewing machines, sewing units or sewingsystems are used in other than dry and well-kept, clean locations, more stringent measures could benecessary: for example, the higher degree of protection provided by enclosures (IP code — see IEC 60529).The purpose of this International Standard is to assist the manufacturer to design machinery such that therisks arising from its defined, intended use and maintenance are reduced or eliminated. The significanthazards and hazardous situations are given together with a reference to the corresponding safety requirementor measure in 4.2 to 4.8. Significant hazards are those identified and estimated as requiring action to reducethe risk they pose.This International Standard is not applicable to stepping frame sewing machines, shoe bottom stitchingmachines, large shuttle embroidery machines in accordance with ISO 11111, integrated sewing systemswithin in the scope of ISO 11161 or household sewing machines in accordance with IEC 60335-2-28
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