IS 667-1981

百检网 2021-07-22
标准号:IS 667-1981
发布日期:1982/6/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This standard prescribes methods of tests for identification of textile fibres. Some of them which are included in this standard are listed below:Group 1 — Natural Fibresa) Vegetable Fibres1) Seed Fibres — Cotton, Akund and Kapok2) Bast Fibres:i) Low Lignin Content — Linen or Flax ( raw and bleached ) — Ramieii) High Lignin Content — Jute, Mesta, Rosella, True Hemp and Sunn Hemp3) Leaf Fibres — Manila Hemp and Sisal4) Fruit or Nut Fibres — Coirb) Animal Fibres ( Natural Protein Fibres )1) Wool and Chlorinated Wool2) Silki) Cultivated Silk — raw, degummed and weightedii) Tasar or Tussah Silkc) Mineral Fibres 1) AsbestosGroup 2 — Man-Made Fibresa) Regenerated Fibres1) Cellulosic — Viscose, Cuprammonium, Cellulose Acetate ( secondary and triacetate ), Polynosic, High-Wet Modulus Fibres (HWM)2) Protein — Casein, Groundnut Fibre, Zeinb) Synthetic Fibres1) Polyamides — Nylon 66, Nylon 610, Nylon 6, etc2) Polyester — Terylene, Terene, Dacron, etc3) Polyvinyl Derivativesi) Polyvinyl Chloride — Pe Ce, Rhovyl, etcii) Polyvinyl Chloride Acetate — Vinyon ST, Vinyon HHiii) Polyvinyl Chloride — Acrylonitrile —Vinyon N, Dyneliv) Polyvinylonitrile (Acrylic fibres) —Orion, Acrilanv) Polyvinyl Alcohol — Vinylon, Kuralonvi) Polystyrene and Copolymers — Styro-flex, Polyfil, etcvii) Polyvinylidene Chloride and Copolymers — Saran, Velon4) Polyolefinsi) Polyethylene — Polythene ii) Polypropylene — Reevon Group 3 — Inorganic Fibresa) Glassb) Metal






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