PS 56-1961 植物油和油脂的取样与测试方法
百检网 2021-07-22
标准号:PS 56-1961
英文标准名称:Methods Of Sampling And Test For Vegetable Oils And Fats
发布日期:1961/1/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 dThis standard lays down the methods of test which are cited in the detailed Pakistan Standard Specifications for individual vegetable oils and fats. The standard contains definitions of terms used in trade and industry, methods of sampling, and instructions regarding the preliminary exami nation of the material and samples. It prescribes the methods for determining moisture and volatile matter content.insoluble impurities, rancidity, acid value and free fatty acids, unsaponifiable matter, melting point, refractive index, specific gravity, titre of total fatty acids, colour, iodine value, saponification value, acetyl value, hydroxyl value and allyl isothiocyanate content. Tests for the presence of other oils or adulterants are also prescribed.1.2 Test methods, neither prescribed in this standard nor specified in standards for individual materials, shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and the vendor.1.3 Should any inconsistency be found to exist between the methods prescribed in this standard, and those prescribed in the standard for an individual material, the latter shall prevail.
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