ISO 16602-2007 化学品防护服装.分类、标签和性能要求

百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:ISO 16602-2007
英文标准名称:Protective clothing for protection against chemicals - Classification, labelling and performance requirements
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard establishes minimum performance classification and labelling requirements forprotective clothing designed to provide protection against chemicals. Protective clothing items covered by thisInternational Standard include, but may not be limited to, totally encapsulating suits, liquid-tight or spray-tight suits,coveralls, jackets, trousers, aprons, smocks, hoods, sleeves, and shoe and boot covers.Chemical protective clothing for protection against airborne particles is addressed by ISO 13982-1, which isreferenced in this International Standard. This International Standard does not address protection againstsolid chemicals in forms other than airborne solid particulates (e.g. it does not address the challenge ofpenetration of chemical dust and powders through materials and clothing by rubbing or flexing or by simpledirect contact of dust or powders onto the clothing surface).This International Standard does not address gloves, boots, eye/face protection devices and respiratory protectivedevices unless they are an integral part of the protective clothing. This International Standard does not addressprotection against biological or thermal (hot or cold) hazards, ionizing radiation, or radioactive contamination. ThisInternational Standard also does not address the specialized clothing used in hazardous chemical emergencies.This International Standard is intended to provide chemical protective clothing manufacturers with minimumrequirements for testing, classifying, and labelling chemical protective clothing. To assist the users of productscovered under this International Standard, this document provides descriptions of referenced test methods,guidelines for conducting hazard and risk assessments and suggested performance levels for certain applications.It is not the intent of this International Standard to address all situations.






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